From February 2, 2025, providers and operators of AI systems, as well as companies whose employees use AI applications like ChatGPT, are required to ensure that their staff have the skills, knowledge, and understanding to use AI systems competently. This is outlined in the EU AI Act, the European AI regulation.
While this requirement might initially seem like an additional bureaucratic hurdle, it offers an opportunity to advance digital transformation within organizations and gain strategic advantages. The key is how to implement this quickly given the rapid developments in AI. Employees should be aware of the opportunities, risks, and potential damages AI applications can bring. This includes all uses of AI technology, from customer service to data analysis and, of course, ChatGPT.
The new regulations bring more than just obligations; they open real opportunities. Companies can use these requirements to prepare their teams for the future and master the use of AI technologies. This not only strengthens employees but also improves the competitive position. Instead of seeing regulation as a burden, companies could use it as a chance to fully embrace digital transformation. Well-trained teams can work more efficiently, develop creative solutions, and even discover new business fields. In short, this obligation could be a springboard for sustainable success.
So how can companies build AI competence? Here are three approaches to help foster AI skills among employees:
- Clear Rules and Standards: Establishing uniform guidelines and ethical principles provides orientation and security in dealing with AI. This ensures that all employees have the same foundation, an important step for the responsible use of technologies.
- Regular and Practical Learning: Training formats are most effective when they are ongoing rather than one-time. Practical learning with real examples helps employees apply content directly and internalize it sustainably. Formats should also be adapted to the participants’ knowledge level to build skills effectively.
- Team Learning: When employees from different areas like IT, law, and ethics work together, a comprehensive understanding of AI emerges. This interdisciplinary exchange promotes innovation and ensures that technology is used meaningfully and safely.
By adopting a regular, practical approach to training and promoting collaboration, companies can not only meet legal requirements but also fully exploit the potential of AI in the long term.
The EU regulation leaves no room for non-compliance: companies must fulfill the training obligations. Although there is currently no national implementation law or official supervisory authority, lacking AI competencies due to insufficient training measures could be considered a breach of general duty of care, potentially leading to claims for damages.
The European approach to the AI future involves regulation to initiate changes, even in AI development. While many provisions of the new regulation might slow European companies in global competition, the training requirement offers a meaningful perspective. It ensures that employees build AI competencies early and recognize and utilize the full potential of the technology.
However, regulation alone is not enough to keep pace with the USA and China. Without targeted investments in research, development, and infrastructure, Europe will lag behind in the long run. The obligation for AI training should therefore be seen as part of a larger strategy that not only prepares companies for legal requirements but also strengthens their future viability. February 2, 2025, marks the start of a new phase of digital transformation and an opportunity to secure an early advantage.