How Brands Can Leverage AI Search Engines for Growth

AI : How Brands Can Leverage AI Search Engines for Growth

Brands can benefit from AI search engines like SearchGPT. Traditional search engines like Google are facing competition from AI-driven alternatives like Perplexity and OpenAI’s SearchGPT. Unlike Google and others, these AI search engines do not simply provide links to third-party sites. Instead, they offer a comprehensive text. When users get all relevant information at a glance, why would they click on links?

However, according to a report by Modern Retail, brands should not fear AI search. In fact, they can even benefit from SearchGPT and similar technologies. For example, the company Viv, which produces sustainable menstrual products, saw their website traffic increase by 400% last year. This increase was largely due to ChatGPT and Google’s AI assistant Gemini.

The surge in visits happened when it was revealed that tampons from major manufacturers contained traces of heavy metals. Many people searched for non-toxic alternatives and found Viv. The AI search had quoted a blog post from Viv, leading users not only to visit the homepage but also to make purchases. Both traffic and sales increased by over 400%.

This example shows that users of AI search engines do not only read the summaries provided; they also click on links or interact with the cited sources. Companies that provide meaningful information in blog posts can benefit from AI searches. Dan Buckstaff from the data service provider Spins, also cited by Modern Retail, supports this view.

He states, “From the messages about your product on the packaging to what is shared on social media or by an influencer, a solid message in the right places can ensure that a product shines in all discovery formats.” However, the industry is still in its early stages. The strategies that companies should use to be found by SearchGPT and others are still open. Buckstaff compares the current situation to the early days of SEO 15 years ago.

In conclusion, brands can indeed benefit from AI search engines by providing valuable content that AI can reference. This can lead to increased traffic and sales, as shown by the example of Viv. As the landscape of AI search continues to evolve, companies will need to develop new strategies to leverage these technologies effectively.