Identifying AI-Generated Texts: Tools and Methods Explained

AI-detection : Identifying AI-Generated Texts: Tools and Methods Explained

Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems like ChatGPT are getting better at producing various types of text. This advancement makes it increasingly difficult to identify if a text is AI-generated. Fortunately, there are several platforms available today that can identify AI-generated content. These tools analyze text for specific patterns and characteristics typical of AI-generated writing. However, recognizing AI text is not always straightforward, as modern AIs like GPT-4 can create highly creative texts.

We present several free applications that allow you to test whether a text was written by a human.

Available Free AI Detectors

An AI detector is a system that uses various tools and algorithms to determine if a text was generated by AI. Many specialized programs are already trained to detect AI-generated sentences. Characteristics indicating an AI origin include a uniform writing style, repetitions, or a lack of emotional depth.

Note: None of the systems mentioned below have 100% accuracy. The results can only serve as an indication of whether a text was generated by AI.

The AI detector from analyzes texts to determine if they were generated by AI or written by a human. The detector examines the text for various features such as word choice, sentence structure, and organization. It can analyze texts in multiple languages, which is advantageous for international users.

To improve its accuracy, the detector uses machine learning. The text is compared with a large collection of texts created by both humans and AI systems. Using this data, the algorithm calculates probabilities and provides a percentage estimate of whether the text is AI-generated. offers a free version for basic text checking, but there are limitations on the number of words scanned and the depth of analysis. For advanced features and more comprehensive scans, offers a paid Pro version starting at 4 € per month, providing unlimited scans and more detailed analysis.


ZeroGPT also allows you to analyze texts generated by AI, especially from GPT-3 and higher models. It analyzes the text similarly to, looking for features commonly found in AI-generated sentences. A very structured, fluid language and certain repetitions suggest the text is machine-generated.

ZeroGPT compares the text with known patterns to determine if it originates from an AI model. The detector provides an estimate of the likelihood that the text was AI-generated based on the identified patterns and data analysis. ZeroGPT is particularly useful for texts generated by advanced AI models, although the complexity of the text can sometimes complicate analysis.

The free version of ZeroGPT offers basic functions like AI text detection with some limitations. The Pro version for $7.99 provides extended access and additional features like 100,000 characters, a full history of generated requests, or a detailed PDF report. The Plus version for $14.99 offers more detailed analyses and specific tools, while the Max version for $18.99 provides faster results and 125,000 characters.


The Detecting-Ai platform uses extensive databases of texts generated by both humans and AI to compare submitted sentences. It also considers factors like the text’s context, coherence, and depth in its analysis. Detecting-AI looks for characteristics typical of machine-generated text.

After analysis, the platform provides an estimate expressed as a probability. A high percentage suggests the text is likely AI-generated, while a low percentage indicates a human origin. The free version of Detecting-Ai offers access to 5,000 characters. A monthly subscription for $10 provides unlimited daily generations, a fact-checker, and a KI humanizer. The annual subscription for $5 per month offers more plagiarism checker credits.


GPTZero analyzes various linguistic features to identify differences between human and machine-generated texts. The consistency of the text is particularly examined, as human authors often vary their writing style and allow small irregularities, which is less common in AI texts.

Basic functions of GPTZero can be used without registration or subscription, though the number of analyses and availability of more precise models are limited in the free version. Access to advanced features requires a paid subscription.

It only takes a few seconds for GPTZero to analyze the text. If you regularly analyze texts, creating an account can be useful for saving results or using advanced analysis options.

How to Use an AI Detector

Follow our step-by-step guide to identify an AI-generated text using GPTZero:

  1. Open the GPTZero page in your browser.
  2. Copy the text to be checked into the designated input field or upload the text in a file.
  3. Click “Scan for AI” under the text field. GPTZero will scan the text and determine the likelihood of AI generation.
  4. The text opens in a new window with the analysis result. You can choose from various tools for further analysis.
  5. If needed, you can repeat the process for other texts to identify more AI-generated content.