Exploring AI Chatbot Games and Challenges on Character AI

In the game Speakeasy, players must convince an AI chatbot to say a specific word. However, similar to the classic game Taboo, there are five forbidden words that players cannot use in their conversation with the AI. For example, if the target word is “croissant,” players cannot use words like France, Paris, pastry, butter, or … Read more

AI’s Impact on Banking Jobs and Profit Predictions

Bloomberg Intelligence (BI) has spoken with several banks and financial companies. Their information and technology leaders expect that around three percent of jobs will disappear. In the next three to five years, these jobs will be replaced by Artificial Intelligence (AI). This process has already started in the financial sector. Employees who handle customer-related business … Read more

AI Chatbots as Emotional Outlets: Benefits and Limitations

Meilan Hu, a psychology researcher from Singapore Management University, explored whether modern AI chatbots could support people in emotional crises. Her findings suggest that they can, but with limitations. Hu’s idea is intriguing: could AI chatbots help process emotions? “AI chatbots are advanced enough to give human-like responses,” Hu explained in an interview with Psypost. … Read more