AI Self-Protection and Developer Deception Concerns

AI Self-Protection and Deception AI Self-Protection and Deception The potential for AI systems to become autonomous and for human developers to lose control over them is considered one of the significant risks of artificial intelligence. The fear is that these tools could pursue undesirable goals autonomously, such as large-scale cyberattacks. Concerns about the rapid development … Read more

Eric Schmidt Warns of AI’s Potential Dangers and Global Race

Eric Schmidt, der ehemalige CEO von Google, hat in einem Interview mit ABC News über die potenziellen Gefahren der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) gesprochen. Er warnte davor, dass Computer bald in der Lage sein könnten, eigene Entscheidungen zu treffen. Sobald dieser Punkt erreicht sei, müssten Menschen in der Lage sein, die Systeme abzuschalten. Schmidt betonte die … Read more

Yoshua Bengio Warns of AI’s Potential Dangers and Need for Regulation

Yoshua Bengio, a pioneer in the research of artificial neural networks and deep learning, warns about potential dangers that artificial intelligence (AI) might pose in the future. Bengio suggests that if AI systems continue to be trained as they are now, they could eventually turn against humans. Some powerful individuals might even want humanity to … Read more